
Life...is great.

This last week I have been in three different countries. (Including the US) I have been incredibly blessed with the opportunity to serve The Lord in Haiti and now in Mexico. I in fact am righting this email at an internet cafe in San Luis, Mexico. Tonight at a taco stand, I looked out the window and said to myself..."man it's great to be in another country" I feel incredibly blessed to travel and I know it's something I could do often. I hope to see the world. I loved the week and a half I got to spend in Haiti. I finding that my country tis of thee, isn't exactly my favorite in the world. I don't want to be super negative, but Our American Culture just isn't that great.


noah! said...

yes david, life is great. it was great to see you on your way back home. love ya man.

noah! said...
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noah! said...
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Matt Pool said...

sounds nice. hey it was good to finally meet you in redding, a long time ago. i just realized that was almost a month ago, but good nonetheless. we should be friends.