

I don't know about you but I find myself fascinated with High Definition. Ever since I walked in to Best Buy some while ago and saw Pirates of The Caribbean in Full HD via Blue Ray, I've thought to myself that someday I'd sure love to have a life like picture of Orlando Bloom in the comfort of my own home. 

Maybe it's the technology, maybe it's the colors... Maybe it's the fact that I really enjoy watching movies. Whatever it is I think having an HDTV would be neat. Did you know that you can watch TV with a pair of an old rabbit ear anntena in High Definition? It's true. Could you imagine, every monday Heroes in HD... Mind Blowing. Even Better LOST in HD... Senses overload! 

I like having new gadgets, and I like having the best. But if you've spent time with me you'd probably notice that I'm frugal about many things. I don't like to waste money. I usually buy cheap in almost all categories of my life: Clothes, food, my car, I only go to matinĂ©e movies, etc. I don't like to waste money on silly things. 

But, if I do buy something nice, I want it to be the nicest. Guitars for example: I own an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar. Their combined list price total: $5500
Another Example: I'd much rather spend $2000 dollars on a Mac than spend $500 on a Dell.

I've been doing a good amount of research, and I feel like It's almost time to pull the trigger on making a purchase of an HDTV. I just got done with a three hour drive from Redding to Oakley and I spent a good amount of time looking at different TV's. It may have been dangerous to be driving and on my phone at the same time, but alas another example of money well spent: The iPhone. It's a beautiful thing, to be driving and at the same time shopping for different TV's online. 

But let me wrap this up by saying I'm still open to wisdom regarding HDTV's. If you have any advice, let me know. If you have any insiders information, let me in on the scoop. Know of any good after Thanksgiving day sales? Any Recommendations?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your welcome for Heroes in HD on Mondays. I can't wait to enjoy your investment.