
The sun is breaking through the clouds

Yesterday Zachary and I were having quite the nostalgic summer experience. Him in I were sitting at our apartment listening to... this is for Noah...and Scott T... The Police. We were both taken back to the glorious summer of 04. Hanging out at the manner swimming in the swimming pool, beating the heat and listening to... Roxanne!!! You don't have to put on the red light. We truly both got big smiles on our faces had a couple laughs and became anxious for the summer of 05 when the fellowship will be rebuilt.



I don't know why, but today was one of those days I just felt like shit. I woke up and it seems like today has been pointless. All I want to do is go to bed so I have hope that when I wake up it might be a little better. I've been wanting to go to bed since about 4:30pm. Not because I am tired, but because I just want the day to be over. I've done absolutely nothing. I don't know why I feel so useless?....but... at least I have tomorrow.


Life is crumbling

Last weeks occurance of my birthday has brought on an onslaught of aging. I have come to the end of myself and realized two things about me that have come with my elder age. I have arthritis...This I know to be true, given the constant pain in my broken body. And I have diabetis...I also am certain of this because I have that feeling. Anyways... they grow up so fast and I'm ready to be an old man.