
Dirtbag Dave needed a good read.

It's been a while. More than a month. I guess that's the schedule I'm on right now. Someday hopefully frequency won't be so elusive...

Anyways, On to the point.

Some while back I gave my testimony at Church. I spent most of my time talking about how I'm a mosaic of different characters battling for the top seat of my character. I narrowed it down to two sides. 1. Dirtbag Dave: He's the Selfish, Insecure, Angry, Destructive, Mean, Sarcastic, Crass, Careless, Wreckless, Prideful, Out-of-Control All-for-Me Dirtbag that at times has controlled my life. And the other Side is 2. Spiritual Leader Dave: He's the Noble, Caring, Concerned, Aware, Giving, Loving, Do-it-for-others type of Guy.

These two sides of me have constantly been in battle for the past 24 years of my young dualistic life. At times Spiritual Leader Dave will overcome the temptations Dirtbag Dave so naively falls victim too, but it seems all too often that Dirtbag Dave makes his big appearance and leaves not only me but others in the wake of careless selfish destruction.

This week I decided I wanted to take some initiative. I went to my local Barnes and Noble Booksellers to see what type of Christian Literature may be out that may be able to shed some light on this topic, that I, and I imagine many other people battle with. I wasn't looking for some self-help make yourself feel like a million bucks type of book. I was looking for something that would address the struggle that I, and again I think many others, are facing.

Why do I do things that I don't "really" want to do? Why do I act in ways I don't "really" want to? Notice the "really." I say that because I know Part of me, The dirtbag side, may want to actually do the things that the Spiritual Leader side doesn't.

When I didn't see hardly anything worth reading in the Christian section I thought I'd just give up. Then I stumbled across this familiar looking book... 

My very own Pastor's new Book. How To Keep Your Inner Mess From Thrashing your Outer World.

I remember when Bill preached through this very series close to three years ago. When Bill took us through this series I remember being challenged in new ways of looking at my own Inner Mess and the very real struggle I go through trying to overcome the characteristics I don't want in my life, all the while hoping to increase the amount of face time for the characteristics I do want.

Reading this book has been a great reminder of all those thoughts that helped me turn a corner in my life a few years back. It's an honest lesson to learn which makes it tough. It's hard to look at yourself in the proverbial mirror and realize that there's parts of you that you and others just don't like.

The good news is that with and through Christ, Dirtbag Dave's days are numbered.

I recommend this book to anyone and everyone. II recommend it to you Blog reader. If you want we could start a book club and talk about what ever comes up as you read through this book. It will challenge you. It's also a great read. No slow chapters, no confusing chapters. I'd go so far as to say that it's entertaining.


First Blog of 2009

We're pretty far into 2009 already... wow! Time flies when your having fun. (so they say)

Let's do a little 2009 Ketchup. (Catch up)
Chronologically: (For history's sake I won't leave anything out)

The Rose Parade far exceeded my expectations. It seems as if that was a long time ago. I had no idea that the floats were going to be that big. I was impressed.

I got a PS3 for Christmas and I've been trying to enjoy it responsibly. You can't spend to much time playing videos. Girlfriends get mad. Monday Roommate time has almost reached tradition status. Tim and I enjoy a little video gaming in the morning. Even better, is that it's also a Blue-Ray player. Breathtaking visuals. Turns out Movies are better in Blue Ray.

I finally bought my TV, just in time for LOST. HDTV over the air. DTV is great! I find myself watching shows i wouldn't normally watch, just because it's broadcasted in HD (The View)

Aleah, Tim & Kalin, and I have been going to some of Chelsea's basketball games, and it's given me a little spark. Currently I'm trying to convince Christian that we should coach a jr high team or something of the sort. I'm working on an acronym that will communicate our values as a team. All i have so far is H.E.A.R.T Hustle. ?. Attitude. Rebound. Teamwork.

The new Soccer season is upon me, and I've been reminded of how the absence of exercise has the result of heavy breathing and a burning chest after playing 5 minutes of soccer.

Last, but most certainly not least... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH. And actually, this year is my "Golden Birthday" 24 on the 24th. Everyone has to gift me with gold.

p.s. I got a new President today... We'll see how that goes.