

Joey and I are about to go to burgertown. Joey's buying my dinner because I picked him up from the bars after a night of kick back the daddy drinks. So all I get for picking up a drunken Joey is In-n-Out. Even though I've been trying to convince him he told me he would by me a steak and he just doesn't remember...but...burgertown is just as good. I don't know when or even if I will grow tired of it. It is glorious. One of these days it will catch up to me and and be a fat tub of lard ( <~ that's and oldy but good huh? huh?) But until that day I will continue on my burger binge. To each his own.


I sell crack...and I like it.

So today at the Starbooty, I was working like normal, taking peoples orders making drinks this and that the usual. Then out of no where this what seemed to be a nice old lady turned out to be a wolf in sheeps clothing. As she reached into her purse to retrieve the proper currency to pay for her coffee, I noticed in her purse a giant stack of cash. And then I saw a bill I've never seen before. I am not shitting in any way. I saw either a 1000$ bill or 10,000$ I don't know what they print but I was led to believe only one thing. The nice old women with her grandma fro is a crack dealer.


Lifes touch

Zach and my Christmas Card...Three weeks to late Posted by Hello


I not really into the who blog routine yet...

So it's been a couple days since I blogged last, and everyone's already crawling up my ass about it. I'm sorry. I'm a lot like a virgin in all senses of the word. It's been quite the couple of days...I've closed like every night at The Starbooty, I didn't go snowboarding as previously posted, but then I did go snowboarding, and the girl that said she was going to come visit me for the now hasn't come and has left me helplessly abandoned two times. Other than all that everything goings just about the same. My birthday is in 12 days.


I'm going snowboarding tomorrow...

and I hope I don't hit a tree and die like Sonny Bono.